Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, lazy.

After breakfast we went on an adventure. Our goal was to explore a Middle Eastern market, in the vain hope of finding green, fuzzy almonds. They're only available for a few weeks a year, but we didn't know what they were when we spotted them in a store near Foxboro.

Today we ended up in Burlington, ostensibly to go to H Mart and Market Basket, but also to go to this Halal grocery store. The little plaza that we ended up in did indeed have a Halal marketplace, but it also had “Spice Land,” “Foodland” and “China Merchandise” (now specializing in Indian groceries). Each shop was wilder than the one before. Spice Land had good prices on microwaveable papdum, but Foodland had amazing mangos. China Marketplace was the most amazing, we decided, with an aisle labeled “Flower Pot Vases” that contained mostly pan-Asian noodles, just as an example.

H Mart was another story completely. It was Family Fun Fest (apparently), so there were a dozen tented tables in the parking lot giving away samples of daifuku red bean cakes, teas, sausage (for S) and fruit. Inside were another dozen sampling stations. I was actually uncomfortably full by the time we left. No room left for a sample of Vermont Curry (my favorite. It’s made with honey. Nothing else to say.).

After coming home and unpacking all the groceries, I ended up going to Mudflat. I finished glazing a bowl and a vase, putting the final coats on (my bowls have at least four glazes right now), I trimmed a large bowl, which took about an hour, and threw a few new pieces. I have a fair coming up next month, and I realized I only have about eight mugs to sell.

Aside from the need to make pieces to entice people to buy, I simply love the act of throwing. The hot water, the mud and grit under my fingers, the cool clay slowly moving away from where my fingertips press. It’s like a dance sometimes. I move, the clay moves, I try to respect where the boundaries are, and we reach a subtle balance. I appreciate the process almost more than the product sometimes.

Art therapy dogma. Ugh.

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